Divinity original sin 2 character creator
Divinity original sin 2 character creator

divinity original sin 2 character creator

Starts with three points in intelligence, making it the best starting class for magic damage. Witch: Witches focus on witchcraft and geomancer magic, which puts the onus on status effects and necromancy in combat.They start with a point in crafting, which adds to their versatility. The Wayfarer uses bows and expert marksman abilities like the Ranger, but they also have water and earth magic. Wayfarer: The closest class to a jack-of-all-trades.They focus on debuffing and stun spells in addition to close-range sneak attacks. Shadowblade: A combination of the wizard and rogue, Shadowblades have points in scoundrel, witchcraft, and aerotheurge.They begin with a point in the three "Nasty Deeds" and use one-handed weapons with scoundrel abilities. Rogue: This can be a hard class to use since it depends on sneak attacks for maximum damage.Be careful though, as rangers have little defense. Also a good class for crafting, blacksmithing, and loremastering. They get three points in dexterity and use expert marksman skills. Ranger: The ranger satisfies all your archery needs.They also have a point in leadership and a ton of defense. Knight: The strongest melee class has three points in strength and uses two-handed weapons.They also have a point in perception which gives them more action points (AP). They have more defense than clerics and a point in Man-at-Arms.

divinity original sin 2 character creator

  • Fighter: A straightforward class that uses single-handed weapons and shields.
  • They can also manipulate the surroundings in interesting ways. The teleport spell can be incredibly helpful in key situations, and the boost to intelligence increases spell damage.

    divinity original sin 2 character creator

  • Enchanter: Begins with two points in intelligence and also has a teleport spell.
  • They can be capable fighters, but they are often used for buffs/debuffs in combat as well. They have a point in the Hydrosophist magic tree also also get a small buff to defenses.
  • Cleric: Uses a one-handed weapon and shield, and starts with a minor healing spell.
  • They are slightly better with magic, but both physical and magical attacks are appropriate.
  • Battlemage: Obviously a mix between melee and magic, the Battlemage uses the Man-at-arms skills in addition to Witchcraft and Pyrokinetic.
  • It's recommended to customize your characters during the creation process, but here's a brief description of each class. The game provides a number of pre-made classes, though it also allows the player to customize them completely and allocate points how they see fit. Creating proper characters is the first key to success in Divinity: Original Sin.

    Divinity original sin 2 character creator